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Nina’s OUT, Carly’s IN – Drew Shifts The Power At Crimson

Drew Cain got his payback!

The General Hospital recap for Friday, January 19, 2024, features Drew making a huge move to stick it to Nina. He pulled the rug out from underneath her in a huge way.

General Hospital Recap Highlights

Also in this episode, Adam’s father showed up and proved his son right while Joss advocated for her friend. Sam opened up about her woes, and Esme cried to Ava. All the while, Laura had it out with Spencer and in true fashion, did the next right thing. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into the details.

Buh-Bye, Nina

At Bobbie’s, Sam (Kelly Monaco) showed up to meet Drew, but he was nowhere to be found. Carly had an explanation for that. He was taking care of business and told Sam it would be quite a while before he’d see her. So, instead, Sam and Carly talked about Drew and tried to find ways to support him.

Meanwhile, Nina (Cynthia Watros) showed up at Crimson and was met with movers. They were tearing down her office and rolling out all her files. She was shaken. She was even more shaken when Drew (Cameron Mathison) showed up with an explanation. He owns Aurora, and Aurora owns Crimson, therefore he owns Crimson. Oh, and she’s fired!

Nina did not take that news well at all. She completely lost it. She screamed, nearly cried, tried to make threats, but none of it worked. This was payback and Drew was all about Karma. The only concession he was willing to make was letting Nina decide whether or not her staff went with her. He offered her a termination letter. Sign it and your staff stays. If not, they can leave too.

No sooner had Nina signed it than Drew dropped his last bomb. Nina’s replacement walked through the door. It was none other than Carly!

Harsh Truths

Also losing it was Esme (Kristen Avery Pohl). She showed up at the Jerome Gallery to beg for Ava’s (Maura West) help. She told Ava all about Nikolas (Adam Huss) taking off with Ace and asked if she saw her ex and knew where he was now.

Ava admitted to seeing Nik but she knew nothing more than his visit to her. To Ava’s credit, she did not delight in Ace’s kidnapping. In fact, she was pretty upset about it. She warned Esme she was in for an uphill battle, though. If Laura couldn’t find Nik, she doubted Esme stood a chance. Esme informed her she had a powerful ally to help — Cyrus!

Speaking of Cyrus (Jeff Kober), he called Laura (Genie Francis) and Spencer (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) to his room. Once they were both there, he made Spencer spill exactly what went down with baby Ace.

Laura was heated that her grandson handed Ace over to Nik. How dare he?! Spencer tried to reason that the baby was better off with his dad. He also informed her that Esme had her memory back. It’s time Esme paid for what she did!

That did not help his case. Laura didn’t care if his suspicions were right or not. Esme is a GOOD mother and deserved her child. She got right on the phone with the cops and started the search for the missing child.

Enter Mr. Wright

Also at the hospital was Joss (Courtney Fulk). She and Dex (Evan Hofer) were in the chapel discussing Adam (Joshua Benard). Joss was worried for her friend and wanted to support him. Off they went to do just that.

As for Adam, he was awake, alert, and Willow (Katelyn MacMullen) discussed his case with him. He was lucky to be alive after his binge. Adam didn’t feel so lucky. He felt even unluckier when Portia (Brook Kerr) informed him he had to meet with a psychiatrist before he could be released. Also, his parents were on the way whether he liked it or not.

It wasn’t long before Mr. Wright (Steve Mize) showed up and caused a fuss. He demanded to see his son to Willow before Portia came over to deal with him. She gave him a quick rundown of the case all while Mr. Wright was doing nothing more than disparaging his son.

Eventually, Joss had enough and confronted him. They had it out about Adam with Joss outright telling him that the pressure he and his wife put Adam under was the reason Adam did what he did — he tried to kill himself. Mr. Wright fumed!

General Hospital airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes. For more about what’s coming up in Port Charles, check out all the latest GH spoilers, and for an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/

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