
Behind The Scenes: Amber Marshall Confirms What We All Suspected About Graham Wardle’s On-Set Behavior

Amber Marshall: Beyond Heartland’s Horizons

The Nerves on Day One

Graham, let’s kick things off with some nostalgia. How nervous were you on the very first day of shooting Heartland? “Honestly, I was pretty nervous. I think we were out at the ranch, but it was a different one than the one we use now. It was freezing cold, and I remember riding a horse on my first day. I was excited but definitely nervous, considering it was my first time on a television show.”

First Impressions

Describe your first impression of me in one word. “Mousy. Not in a bad way! You were quiet but very curious, like a little mouse investigating everything.” I’d say my first impression of you was curiosity as well. We were both young and eager to learn on this big project.

Amber Marshall And Graham Wardle Kiss

Favorite Filming Locations

What’s your favorite location to film Heartland? “Oh, Kananaskis for sure. Remember the eagle episode? That was so much fun. I also loved shooting downtown Calgary, especially the scene where Ty and Jack save you. And let’s not forget Mongolia and Drumheller—such unique experiences!”

Ocean or Mountains?

Given our backdrop, do you prefer the ocean or mountains? “I’d pick the ocean. There’s something so soothing about it.”

Horse or Skateboard?

Would you rather ride a horse or a skateboard? “Definitely a horse. I tried skateboarding recently and wiped out, hurting my ankle. Horses are more my speed.”

Season 13 Heartland Tamy – @heartlandtvfan on Tumblr

Favorite Amy and Ty Moment

What’s your favorite Amy and Ty moment over the seasons? “Water fights were always a blast. And the cake fight during the birthday episode was hilarious. I love the action scenes where we just get to have fun without worrying about too many lines.”

Secret Talents

Do you have a secret talent no one knows about? “Well, I can do this cool finger trick that kids love. And I used to do this crazy laugh that my little brother found hilarious, but I’ve lost that talent over the years.”

Animal Spirit

If you could describe yourself as an animal, what would you be? “An eagle. I get so inspired by watching them soar around here. They’re majestic and free.”

Best Advice on Set

What’s the best piece of advice someone has given you on set? “Chris Potter once told me to put my hands in my pockets to avoid distracting movements. But the most profound advice was to be authentic in every performance and not try to reproduce the same take. It makes the acting more genuine.”

Cabin or Condo?

Would you rather live in a cabin or a condo? “Definitely a cabin. Cities are fun to visit, but I prefer living close to nature, surrounded by mountains and woods.”

Favorite Set Food

What’s your go-to snack on set? “Dried mangoes! But they have to be the chewy kind, not too dried out.”

What’s Next in Three Words

If you could describe what’s next for you in three words, what would they be? “Love, courage, and adventure.”

Best Recent Book

What’s the best recent book you’ve read? “Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. It emphasizes that we get to choose the meaning things have in our lives, which is a powerful message, especially in today’s world.”

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/

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